Monday 19 March 2012

Horse Racing Banker Review - Scam?

So the horse racing banker system has been released today and based on some of the claimed results it seems to be pretty good. Here is what the system owner himself had to say on the matter when he unleashed his system:
In the few decades I've been betting I've noticed one thing above all else that holds punters back. Far too often bettors see a system that has had one good week with a 25/1 winner and jump on board in the hope they can get rich quick without any actualy effort. This is hardly the punters fault... most of the time they're bombarded with an assualt of marketing gimicks and false advertisements. They haven't had a background in betting and don't think about the consequences of not looking at the long term affects of these "miracle" systems. In view of this, after my fathers passing away... I decided to make it a goal to release at least some of the quality systems I had been bought up using. After some back and forth with the rest of my betting "syndicate" we decided to release only the best of the systems we all personally use. After ranking each system we use based on 5 key qualities... and giving a star for each qualifying attribute only a handful of systems were awarded the 5 star ranking. This is the first to be released to the public. This is the Horseracing Banker™ system and it's about to take things to a whole new level. This is not only a reliable easy to use system... but a system in which all of the selections will be made for users and snt directly to their inbox. When a profitable bet is made by me and my "private gambling consortium" it will be instantly sent to the inbox of all users honoured enough to have access. Horseracing Banker™ IS NOT A BETTING SOFTWARE!... All bets are based on a system that is overseen by myself. Horseracing Banker™ is about changing customer's expectations and bank accounts alike. We intend to unleash our product to the world and illustrate to betters we don't have to live medocre... we can live 5 star.
So as you can see the man behind the system really believes in what he is doing. The real question becomes whether the results can back him up. That is why I am going to be reviewing this system and will be updating with my findings. If you want to follow along use the link below to find out more: Click Here to Learn More About the Horse Racing Banker Service Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Greyhound Betting System Review - Scam?

Right, So there's a new system knocking out that I will start reviewing asap. For more information check out this email I've just received or click here to learn more
Andy You're gonna love this one, just click below now and you'll see what I mean: Click here to check out the Greyhound Betting System Check out the 100% real video proof that this betting system works, no trickery, no scam, this is the real deal. In fact this may be the betting system of 2012, backed up with 70,000+ races worth of data and fully tested, these guys sure have done there research and finally they are unleashing their brand new system. This is a never before seen system, so new and different that you'll marvel at how these guys did it. You don't need any betting experience or technical skills, just a few clicks and a few taps on your keyboard is all it takes to profit with this system. This really will be the easiest money you ever make. This betting system is proven with 100% real video evidence to make 337.96% returns in just 25 days. Now is your current system making you that? Because if not, then you need to check this out: Click here to check it out today... Thanks for reading, George p.s Now I know you've heard it all before, every betting system vendor out there is claiming to have the best thing since sliced bread, but trust me this is different. p.p.s. In the unlikely event I'm wrong, and you don't like this system you get all your money back! So what are you waiting for? Hit the link below! Click here to DOWNLOAD!

Monday 5 March 2012

Bet Turbo Review - Scam?

So I have been out the betting system review game for the past couple of weeks as I was forced to undergo some surgery, thankfully it was a raging success and I am now back in business and will be tackling all the betting systems that I missed while I was away. The system I am looking at in this post I was informed of via this email:
Hi Mike, If you have been looking for a betting system: - Where You Get Big Priced Winners, Not Just Low Priced Favorites - Get To Squeeze Every Last Drop Of Profit From The Bookies Every Single Day - Bet At The Track, Betfair, A Bookie or wherever it's legal - An Is Ideal For Beginners And Advanced Players Then look no further.... Click here to learn more about the Bet Turbo System To YOUR Betting Success
So this is exactly the criteria I will be reviewing this service up against. If you would like to follow along with this review use the link below to learn more about the Bet Turbo system: Click Here to Learn More About the Bet Turbo System Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!