Friday 13 September 2013

The Tipster Warehouse Review - Yes or No?

Not many of you would have heard about The Tipster Warehouse despite it being launched back in 2012. To keep their tips secure and valuable they only allowed a certain number of people to access them via their VIP club. This week they are now opening their doors to allow more people in. We have got ourselves involved so we can make our review but we do advise you get involved too before they locked the door again. If your not happy you can always cancel and receive 100% of your money back. The VIP Club has had success upon success with a bank that just can't stop growing. Every month has shown a profit with the average monthly profit sitting at over 84.78pts. So how does it work? Every morning receive just one email that contains all the tips you need for the day. That is every tip from all 6 tipsters that are included as a part of the VIP club membership. The email will be broken down to show each tipster, the tips they are providing you with and their advised stakes. There are no complex betting formulas which we know put some of you off. Just simply receive one email a day with everything you need do. Again, if you are not happy just leave at any time with a 100% money back guarantee. As we mentioned we got ourselves a place this week and are currently writing up our review. While we complete this review you can... Click here to read more about the Tipster Warehouse here... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Insider Bets Betting System - Scam?

The Insider Bets Betting System was released this week and we have been hounded with emails from your guys to review it and let you know if its worth getting involved. We are currently conducting our review but what we have seen so far we are very happy to give it our recommendation. As you can see from the sales page here, its tipping service that is guaranteeing you a 37% ROI (return on investment). Now this figure may seem a little low but they are guaranteeing it and if you not happy you can receive a full 60 day money back. This is unlike other tipping services that offer higher ROIs but don't offer the money back guarantee. Insider Bets is geared towards football betting but like many services and systems, you do not need to know much about that purticualr sport. All the help is provided and step-by-step instructions are always included to place your bets and make your profit. Once you have joined for the one-off payment and not a monthly service, you will receive an email first thing every morning with the bets to place that day. They have over 40 years experience, you can contact then 24/7 and often odds are between 5/1 and 10/1 so its not the usual 1/2 shots over and over! As we mentioned we are currently reviewing this system so while we do this you can.... Click here to read more about the Insider Bets Betting System... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Quick Click Winner Betting System Review - Scam?

Quick Click Winners is a new betting system that was released earlier this week and due to the huge success we are hearing and the amount of emails we are receiving from you guys, we thought we would get involved. So what do we know about the system. Well it is an automated predictor with over 99.7% accuracy. Now we wouldn't rely too much on this figure as no system can be that accurate. But that doesn't mean it still wont make you a profit. Technically anything over 50% will make you a profit but similar betting systems normally operate around the 85%-90% mark. The Quick Click Winners betting system gears towards horse racing but does not require any experience on your part. The system is fully automated and you do receive total guidance from the off on how to use the system. Also once the system has predicted your winner, it then searches for the best odds being offered to give you the biggest return on your win. As they quote "Low Risk and Maximum Rewards". As we like to do with all betting systems that we feature is grab ourselves a copy, break it down, test it out and give our full expert review. Now while we do this you can.... Click here to read more about the Quick Click Winners Betting System... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Monday 8 April 2013

American Soccer Picks Betting System - Scam?

American Soccer Picks is a new betting system that has been released this week and with such the hype surrounding it we have have got on board. We purchased a copy earlier in the week and have been reviewing the system from inside out. We have been receiving our picks are currently seeing he numbers we have been promised. So lets get into the system. It was created by a normal punter called Tony Robbins who decided to look at other football leagues around the world to see if the could get any better results than betting on the English Premier League. As we all know the EPL is one of the most unpredictable leagues in the world and with millions betting on each week the odds never reflect results. Moving his betting away from the English Premier League and towards other leagues he found that games are less unpredictable and that odds are at a much better value. He started in leagues such as Europe and Asia before finding a great 75% strike rate in America. With odds of at least 1.90 and greater and a 75% striker rate, profits have been flying in consistently and steadily. For a limited time only, Tony and American Soccer Picks are allowing you to get involved and receive the the exact teams to back each day and make this steady and consistent profit. Simply sign up and start receiving the picks straight away to your email inbox. If you are not happy with his service you can receive a full 60 day money back guarantee. As we mentioned we are currently reviewing the system now but we are happy for others to check it out as we are seeing the numbers we are promised on the sales page and would recommend others getting involved too. Click here to read more about the American Soccer Picks Betting System... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Friday 22 March 2013

Automated Punter Betting System Review - Scam?

A new betting system has been released this week and it looks quite promising. Its called Automated Punter and doesn't look like the usual rubbish that fills up our inbox. As we usually do we have grabbed ourselves a copy and started reviewing it. So far we are in profit after two days but that is still too inconclusive to say yay or nay. So what we do actually know about Automated Punter? It is a fully automated betting system that uses facts and stats to work out its picks. It takes in all the factors such as the past results of both the horses and the course, the weather, race length, the number of horses in the races and all the other information that effects a race. After it has gathered all this information automatically it works out all the variables with they say is well over 550+. It uses the state of the art "ProStat Engine" which does all the hard work and outputs a very high value pick each day. As we mentioned we have been reviewing this product for two days and are in profit so its going well. While we complete our review you can... It takes into account the weather, race length, the number of runners and many other factors that effect a race. There is no human input so any biased opinions is removed. With all these stats and facts, Automated Punter runs through all the variables which it says is over 570+ using the top of the range "ProStat Engine". High value picks each day are then produced and emailed to the user. As we said, we have been testing this syetem over the last couple of days and we are currently in profit. So far it is doing exactly what it says. There is already a 60 day money back guarantee so you could try this for free if you want to test it out as well like we are. While we complete the rest of our review you can... Read more about the Automated Betting System here... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Monday 18 February 2013

Football Managed Betting System Review

A new betting system was released this week called Football Managed and due to the popularity of it already we have received many emails asking for our review. We see many different betting systems that offer predictions for all different sporting events and while some do come in, you often make a loss over each month. This system concentrates on football alone so not only do they spend more time concentrating on one sport but they can build up a bigger and better formula for each prediction. We have spoke to many people and they are already in profit after a week. We have just got ourselves a copy and are reviewing the system now. This system also offers a free 60 day free trail so if you not happy or not in profit like they guarantee you are after the months then you can get 100% of your money back. Once you purchase this system you will be given full access to their winning formula and each day you will be sent the bets direct to you inbox so all you need to do it place the bets and watch the winnings come in. As we said we are going to review this system before we pass judgement on it so while we do this you can .... Read more about the Football Managed Betting System here... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Profiteer Betting System - Scam?

You may have seen that a new betting system called 'Profiteer Betting' was released this week with its new mathematical system that can make you a guaranteed profit from sports betting. You may be wondering if this is really true and can it actually make you a guarenteed profit? Arbitration is something that bookmakers always want to avoid as it results in punters backing different selections in an event and winning no matter which comes selection wins. But... with there so being so many different bookmakers, they cant all have the same odds. This is where 'Profiteer Betting' comes in. They analyise all the different odds and find these Arbitrage Opportunities and show you exactly how to exploit them. With odds being available on nearly every sporting event and even other events these days, more and more Arbitrage Opportunities are popping up everywhere. You may spot some yourself but to save yourself time, Profiteer Betting doing all the hard work for you. If you are slightly unsure still on how Arbitration works then don't worry, Profiteer Betting offer a 60 day money back guarantee and £50 if you don't make the same profits as they do. Just like any betting system we feature here on Top Betting Guides we like to get oursevles invovled, review the system fully and then report back to you guys with our findings. While we are conducting our review you can... Read more about the Profiteer Betting system here... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Positive Spreads Betting System Review

A new betting system has been released this week and it deals with Spread Betting. For those who do not know what Spread Betting is there is a great video that explains fully over at their website here. But is basic terms it is choosing whether a selection will contain a fewer or a higher number of outcomes in a certain selection. For example if the betting company state there will the 11 corners in a game, you can choose higher if you think there will be more or fewer if you think there will be less. If you stake £5 on higher you will win £5 for each corner higher than 11. So 12 corners equals £5, 13 corners equals £10 and so. But on the other hand if there are less than 11 corners you will lose £5 per corner. Anyways, Positive Spreads is a new Betting System that provides you with daily selections on a wide range of spread bets. Simply login into the members section each day and view their selections. They are stating they have a monthly ROI (return on investment) of around 30% - 50%. As spread bets allow you close your bets during an event you can even increase your profit yourself if you are watching the event live. Positive Spreads give you a full explanation of how to maximise your profits and closing out at the right time. We have always been interested in Spread Betting and are very excited to see a Betting System that now deals with it. We are taking our time in reviewing this system and will return with out findings very shortly. While you wait you can.... Click here to read more about the Positive Spreads Betting Service.... Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Race Matics Tipping Service Review - Scam?

A new tipping service has been released this week and we are hearing very good things about it already. It is called Race Matics and as you can guess deals with picks in the Horse Racing scene. Their facts and figures say they can guarantee you over 50% ROI every week. ROI stands for Return Of Investment, so if you start with £100 they will guarantee you £150 by the end of the week. If you then use this £150 the next week you will have £225 and so on. There are two main reasons to have a look at Race Matics this week. Firstly there is a sale on the moment so you can get involved for a reduced price. And secondly, there is a full 60 day money back guarantee. That is around 8 weeks of tips to invest and see your 50% ROI a week. Start with as little or as much as you want and get involved. The tips are sent daily around 8am straight to your email inbox so simply place your bets before you head to work and come home to profit. We obtained access to the service yesterday and are currently reviewing the service and will report back with our findings soon. While you wait for this review you can..... Click here to read more about the Race Matics Tipping Service. Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Odds On Ron Betting System Review - Scam?

The 'Odds On Ron' Betting System was previously released back in May and as many systems like to do, offered only a small amount of copies for sale. Due to the huge success of the system over the past six months, many people have been trying hard to get themselves a copy so the creators have decided to release more for sale. The secrets on how the system works is still tightly kept and back in May we were not able to get ourselves a copy either to take it apart and find out why its works. This time we have be lucky and are in the process of reviewing it and getting to the bottom of its success. If you view their sales page here you will see all the facts and figures, screenshots and images of the sort of numbers you can make from this system. We assure you these numbers are correct as the first couple of days into our review have proved profitable. Anyways, as we said, we are currently reviewing Odds On Ron so while you wait for it to be completed you can.... Click here to read more about the Odds On Ron Betting System. Or if you want to wait until we complete our review, feel free to enter you name and email below and we will contact you once its complete.