Wednesday, 30 November 2011
GoClickBet Review - Scam?
So the latest system to hit ourshelves is entitles Go Click Bet. To be honest with you the guys voice on the video was very annoying so I muted the volume and just read the sales page! I think it was his accent that was just driving me nuts. Check it out for yourself and see what I mean! Anyway the system is actually a piece of software designed to make you the bookie. As far as I can tell this will mean that you will be laying off horses in such a way that profit is guaranteed, but more will be revealed when I purchase the system. So that is what I am going to do, I will buy this system, trial it out for a while and will post back with my findings. If you want to learn more about this system then I recommend you use the link below to check it out for yourself: Click Here to Learn More About the Mechanic Runner Betting System Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Mechanic Runner System Review - Just Purchased
So I have just purchased my copy of the mechanic runner system. I opted to take the tipping service expansion because I thought with all of the other systems that I am trialling it would take the stress off me, now instead of using the formula they provide to find the selections they will email me them daily. This is a good idea for anyone who works 9-5 who doesn't have the time to get up before they head out to work and study the papers. Overall it doesn't appear to take too much time to decide on your own tips from the package given, however if you are very busy you should just take the tips! Anyway when you first purchase the Mechanic Runner system you will receive a whole host of files and bonuses. With the system itself the owners gave me (for free), Intellibet, To The Top System, Definite Favorites and the Cash Transformers system. Pretty good haul if you ask me. Of course the real test comes with the selections so I will be trialling this service for the next 30 days to see if it warrants further trialling. If you would like to learn more about this system use the link below: Click Here to Learn More About the Mechanic Runner Betting System Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!
Monday, 21 November 2011
The Mechanic Runner System Review - Scam?
So the latest betting system to be released is named the Mechanic Runner. The tagline for this system is 'The Ultimate Outsider Returns'. This would leave us to believe that this system will be picking outsiders to win. For a system that says outsiders I would expect most tips to be at least 8/1 and for the occasional 20/1 and higher tips being selected. The good thing about systems like these is that the strike rate required to profit is only small. You really only need to hit 1 or 2 winners a week to turn a profit. So when this system is finally released to the public I will be purchasing it and reviewing it. If it is indeed profitable at finding horses at great odds then it will be approved, if not it will be failed. If you would like to help out with my review use the link below to grab a copy and you can play along: Click Here to Learn More About the Mechanic Runner Betting System Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!
Betting Booster Review - Scam?
Right, So the latest betting system to go up for review is named the Betting Booster system. This system is slightly different to the usual betting systems out there as it is a software instead of just the usual ebook. The betting booster boasts some nice profits can be made from their system and it also says that it can be used by anyone, pro or a newbie. Software systems can be tricky to use so I will be reviewing it not only on the winners that the software produces, and therefore profits, but also on the usability of the software itself. It is no good if the software churns out winners all day but it is near on impossible to actually navigate the software, conversely having very nice interfacing software is pointless if the selections made do not profit. So both of these things will be in my mind when I make my review. As with all systems like this I will be trialling it over a couple of weeks and will post back with my results. Until then use the link below to find out more information about this system: Click Here to Learn More About the Betting Booster System Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Mass Profit Bets Review - Scam?
So, the newest system to review is entitled; "Mass Profit Bets". From first glance alone this system appears to be able to use on a number of different sports as the header image shows horse racing, football, basketball and baseball images. The sales page reveals that this is infact a betfair trading system. For those that are unaware betfair trading systems are basically when you back and lay a particular selection in order to guarantee a win. For example you back Man Utd at 3.00 and lay them at 2.00. This means for a 10 pound bet you will make 10 if they win but lose nothing if they do not. As with all trading systems a full review must be carried out. So I will be purchasing the Mass Profit Bets system and trial it to see how well their system works and will update with my final verdict. If you would like to learn more about this system then use the link below: Click Here to Learn More About the Mass Profit Bets System Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!
Friday, 4 November 2011
The Finest Tipster Review - Scam?
So the finest tipster has opened its doors for new members. The Finest Tipster is as the name would suggest a tipping service that mainly operates in the horse racing market. Tips are sent out daily and the sales page suggests that a nice amount of profit can be made per month just by following their tips. Also the finest tipster has stated that they will only be accepting 200 people. I don't know if this is just a marketing ploy or if it is the real deal but I thought I would let you know anyway. As with all tipping services I will give it a month or two to see how the results go before I release my findings. If you want to learn more about this service use the link below: Click Here to Learn More About the Finest Tipster Service Or if you would like to wait for the results of my review before making any decision then pop your email in the box below to learn when it is available!
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