Monday 21 September 2009

Betting Salvation Review - Will It Live Up To The Hype?

About a week ago I received an email advertising this program, then in the days following I received about 20 more! It seems like it is going to be a big hit or a big flop that's always the way with these systems. Anyway here is the email I've been getting I'll let you know if/when I get my hands on a copy: **************************************************************** Hi, The Betting Salvation has launched, and the order page is live, so there's NO time to lose… And as we've been discussing, there's a way to completely improving your bets, removing the errors, greed and fear, and do that SO easily, and SO quickly, for SO cheap, that you'd be NUTS not to give it a shot Williams is willing to go WAY out on limb and let you leverage every bit of his experience and this phenomenal new system into FISTFULS of ready cash for yourself, and all YOU have to do is…Click. When you do, you'll have an insane Power Tool you need to succeed… * The Smoking Hot Betting Salvation system… * Incredible World-Class Support… * A SICK 56 day money back guarantee… * And much, much more… There's too much to cover in a measly e-mail. You really need to have a look at the full package for yourself… And TIME is running out. The packages available at the stupid-cheap launch pricing are being gobbled up like my dog at his kibble, and when they're gone, that's it. You will Pay More or miss out while your competition passes you by, and that would be tragic. The risk is zero. The potential is all YOURS. Seize Your Potential! To Your Success! PS – Once again: You are guaranteed satisfaction with incredible 56 day 100% guarantee, and once you see what Williams is asking for this insane package, you will literally question his sanity! But nothing happens unless YOU make it happen, Right Now. Go. See. Win! ************************************************************** Right got my hands on a copy, I can sum the whole thing up by saying meh. Waste of my time and a waste of money if you were to buy it. The writing itself was very basic in information about some crap that had nothing to do with the actualy system. The actual system is a combination of rules about number of runners, trainer win percentage etc. the usual stuff. No proof that the system actually works and no reason why it would in the short or long runs. Based on this and the general bs surrounding this product I have to stick it in the Failed systems.

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