Monday 7 February 2011

AutoBetSystem X-IV Review - Any Good?

So a while back you may remember that AutoBetSystem X was released. This system was pretty decent as far as betting systems go, however there were as always a few problems that come with systems. Now however they have released a sequel to Autobetsystem x, AutoBetSystem X-IV which I have been told has taken all the criticisms of the previous system and has refined and made this system better than ever! Because I purchased and reviewed the previous edition I have been allowed access to the new updated version, so I will be reviewing this new system and will be posting on site when I have written it up. Click here to check out more about the AutoBetSystem X-IV system If you want to be kept informed of when I release my review please put you email in the form below

1 comment:

  1. absx-iv is a loss making system, sorry according to grey samuels its a methodology not a system !!! you will find that with Mr Samuels nothing is straight forward, and little is tangible, grey samuels is a con man.
    i was a member of absx ,and i can tell you without any doubt this.
    If you have a winning bet (dutch) highlighted by the methodology they will take the credit for it,if it loses, the implication is that its your own poor interpretation of the data presented..
    in short its always your fault if you lose following their system.
    If you like gurus and mystic maestros and dont mind losing money, this could be the system, (sorry methodology) for you, meaningless terms like master oneself, and other quotes from on high will be your response from the powers that be to losses.
    In addition, the forum was closed on one occasion, why, for self advertisement by a member, or for foul or abusive language. no because someone mentioned they use a laying system. Forum closed, next day a diatribe from grey amounting to, all that place lay bets are in league with the devil, and as absx-iv is a betting forum no lay comments were allowable!!!!
    i asked for stats to prove its success i got non, except for the randomly selected days results from the site (yeah right random). so i did my own testing, first day 34 races it selected 16 of which 8 won and 8 lost, now considering you are dutching the two favs,it doesnt take einstein to see you have lost money. infact 4.5pts, other days were similar.
    avoid this , and this con artist
