Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Tennis Betting Secrets Revealed - William Shepherd's System

Now just to let you know I myself did not review this product but I have heard many people say things about it and what this latest email I received stated really summed up what most people's feelings are: Straight from an email
"I bought William Sheperds tennis secret betting system but that was just a peace of crap I thought. I also attended his premium pick membership site. He hits about 50 % of the games and not over 90 % that he claims. And the ebook is really just some weird mathematical system that I had a real hard time to understand. The funniest thing was when I send him a letter and pointed out that I didn´t understand anything about his calculatuion method. I got an answer were he didn´t try to explain his system and make it easier to me. Instead he send me 4 free picks from some tennis tournament. 2 won and 2 lost. I ended up on his premium picks because I stuck in their and kept questioning his system so to keep me to shut up he let me attend his premium picks for two months for free. But I didn´t make any money from this premium service. How he made 330.000 pounds from his system is the biggest mystery since the egyptian pyramids."
So there you have it; 2 things to learn from that email, first tennis betting secrets revealed is not so hot and secondly if you complain enough you will get free stuff! Anyway since I have not reviewed this system personally I can not put it in the failed section so I would like some more of you to submit your comments about this system. find tennis betting systems on

Anyone Know What Is Going On With Football Maestro?

I had heard good things about it last year so was planning on testing it out here for the new season. On the site they say back for the new season but alas no! ah well if anyone has any news or any other systems for me to take a look at feel free to comment below!

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Baseball Picks for Today!

Just some quick picks today guys: Back the Yankees on the moneyline with your sportsbook Back the Red Sox on the moneyline with your sportsbook

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Illuminatus System Review - More Fiction than Fact!

When I first got wind of this system the name really tickled me as it comes from the bad guys in the prequel book to the DaVinci Code! But all that aside this is about racing not fiction. The system itself is very simple to operate and selections can be made in a mere 5-10 minutes the night before any race. The system itself has 8 rules of which my initial impression was that they would definitely not hold up as they made little to no practical sense! But I decided to test the system over 3 weeks laying the selections found using a 1% of £5000, I used a bankroll of £5000 knowing that the review would finish before major damage could be done to the bankroll or so I thought 2 weeks into the system and 44 selections resulted in 11 losses and over £7000 in the tank. As with pretty much all laying systems the hit rate was pretty good (75%) but then when the selection did end up winning it hit the bank hard, especially because the horses that got selected were quite large in odds. Now when I look back over the sales page I really do believe what I read in the DaVinci Code more than what the sales page tells me. I am putting this into my failed systems section and recommend you check out other systems! Visit illuminatus system review

6 Baseball Picks For Tonights Games

Hey guys, Not going to be able to get my hands on any of the free picks from Vestin Sports for at least a couple of days, so if you are looking for PREMIUM picks from them it would be best for you to join up with them yourself! Anyway here are the free picks for today hope you enjoy! PICKS ARE IN ALL CAPS AND BOLD AND RANKED IN ORDER OF CONFIDENCE ( ) Dodgers (Weaver) SAN FRANCISCO (LINCECUM) (1) Cincinnati (Bailey) ST. LOUIS (CARPENTER) -320 (2) Detroit (Galarraga) BOSTON (BECKETT) -240 (3) RUN TOTALS Toronto / Yankees UNDER 9 ½ Oakland / Baltimore OVER 10 ½ Tampa Bay / Angels UNDER 10 Well that's it for today guys hope you enjoy, Happy Bankroll

Soccer Magic Matrix Review - What is it?

As I said over here with the launch of the new Premier League season starting this weekend I have decided to review as many football systems and products as I can so that you can get involved with the best ones asap. With this in mind I decided to get the Soccer Magic Matrix which on its sales page promises:
Soccer Magic Matrix will provide you with the most powerful advantage for placing your profits and generate even more lucrative bets.
Upon purchase I was quite disappointed to find it was a basic bet calculator with a few advanced functions which really only helped with Dutching your bets. Although I do actually like the functions the calculator can do I cannot condone the price tag that has been attributed to it. Although if you have £60 to spare it would be a handy accessory. However for those that do not want to shell out this kind of cash I recommend you check out to get you hands on a large number of free calculators. Visit betfair loophole system review

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Quick on the Draw Review - Will it Bring in the Winners?

For the past couple of weeks I have been checking out the Quick on the Draw system. As soon as I got the system I was impressed and after back-checking and having their past results verified I was even more impressed. The system itself involves backing 3 horses in qualifying races that meet certain criteria to become selections. There are no price restrictions or grey areas in this system, meaning everyone following the system will find the same picks when looking through the selections. All selections are supposed to be backed at level stakes. All bets can be made at any time so it is good for anyone working during the days. The system is really simple to operate as it just requires you to follow fool-proof instructions outlining which bets you should make and why. During the past week that I used this system there were 18 qualifying races of those there were 8 winners. Their Betfair SP odds were as followed: 18.05, 17.22, 9.04, 6.54, 5.34, 4.79, 4.56, 4.09 In the end overall profit was £156.30 not including betfair commission rate for winning bets. This system is going into my approved section as I truly believe it will work both in the short and long run without fail and is one of the only genuine systems out there! Visit betfair loophole system review

Monday, 10 August 2009

Football Laying Code Review - How Does it Work? and Does it Work?

Right so the next review on the cards is for the Football Laying Code. When I got my hands on a copy of the guide to start with I thought that it was a lot shorter than most of the guides I have read recently but once I finished I realised it was just simply because it had no random filler content that most other guides have. This guide is just straight to the point telling you what to do and when. There are basically 3 stipulations that must be met in order for a bet to be placed and they are outlined within the book. Because there are generally quite a few selections that can be made a day I am only going to do a weeks 'in-play' review of this guide. My general feeling before I review this guide is that it will work because it seems to have some good theory behind the selection and the author must have done his homework prior to release. check back for my in play review of Football Laying Code Oh yes forgot to mention as well the guide is based on placing bets in the goal minutes market. Review by Jack

Free Picks For Today - 50% Deposit Bonus

Hey guys,
Today's MLB Picks Cincinnati at St. Louis The Cardinals look to take advantage of a Cincinnati team that is 2-9 in its last 11 games as a road underdog. St. Louis is the pick (-160)
Happy Bankroll

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Who Will Win The World Series?

Hey Guys, Thought it would be fun to have a little discussion on who we think is going to win the World Series. My money is on the Dodgers/Red Sox. Comment away!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Looking For Football (Soccer) Betting Systems/Pick Service

Hey guys, As the new Premier League season is about to get underway we are looking for new systems and pick services to review. So if you are thinking of purchasing one of these but want to see how we rate it before hand then get in touch (mike at or post a comment on this thread. Also anyone who owns a product and wants us to review it for them then do the same. This post will be updated with the systems we are testing on an ongoing basis so check back to find out more!

Premium picks for FREE!

for picks from a professional sports handicapper that normally sell for $97 PER PICK all you need to do is sign up here and best of all its FREE!

Friday, 7 August 2009

Picks for August 7th - Free!

Todays Play(s) - There are a few nice plays but at this time of the year some of the favorites start to get crazy prices so we must utilize the runlines. St. Louis has been playing well, scoring runs, and must take advantage of this softer part of their schedule. MLB - St. Louis Cardinals -1.5 Happy Bankroll

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Why Should You Use A Betting System?

I have just received an email asking what the importance of having a betting system is, so I thought I would publish my response here for all of you to see also! A lot of punters are constantly losing money due to the reckless approach they take to gambling. This reckless nature leads to ill advised wagers based on 'a gut feeling' or trying to chase a loss. A proven reliable system might just be what you need to incorporate into your gambling to turn things around. This is true no matter what you are betting on, it covers all sports, horse racing to the NFL. Obviously when choosing a system to follow you must be weary of scam sites and sites claiming ridiculous profits (Earn 10,000,000 every month etc.), always try to go with a reliable system with good reviews and one that proofs its results with an independent checker. Once you have sufficiently determined which system you wish to use, you will now be faced with a number of advantages that will help improve your profitability. Less Work - More Profits Using your traditional method takes a while of searching through stats and countless hours of watching sports to develop your gambling instincts upon a race or match. When you have a system that you are running with your picks will be much easier and will generally have a better chance of winning because they are based upon proper betting logic and not just run of the mill gut feelings. You Learn Discipline A lack of discipline is one of the biggest causes of a falling bankroll. The reason is because players will use no bankroll techniques and may just gamble however much they feel like at any given time. When a system is used you are guided by a set of rules which determine how much to bet and how often. The better the system the more it will help your bankroll flourish by using a sophisticated bankroll management and/or staking plan. It's much Simpler Often when punters make bets they often incorporate far too many factors when making their final decisions. Each bet when using a system will be quite simple and laid out in a easy to follow method. This is particularly helpful in horse racing systems where some of the bets can get quite complicated. Reduced Risk Although risk can never be completely done away with the act of minimizing this risk is very important in choosing a betting system. A system that makes minimal profits but has nearly no risk would be much better than a system that can yield huge gains but also has huge risks. There are sports betting systems available to suit every type of punter. Simple systems may be helpful to novice punters just starting off in the betting game, while more complex systems may provide helpful sports betting tips for the serious backer with a more in-depth knowledge of the sport. A good, proven sports betting system will pay for itself many times over from increased numbers of winning bets. Furthermore, successful betting is fun betting!

Fancy Fillies Final Review

Hey guys, Jack is back with a new service review for you. Today the review is going to be of the system Fancy Fillies. Fancy fillies is one of the only laying systems available on the internet that doesn't just plain suck! Upon purchase of the system you receive a 53 page ebook outlining the system. Don't worry though it is very easy to understand and you should be able to pick your own selections within a mere hour or two. This is made even easier by the number of screenshots included throughout the guide. To complete the selection process you are required to have access to a computer sometime before 9.30am each morning. So if you are incapable of doing this then there is a chance this system is not for you. The best thing about this system compared to others is that you only have to be on the computer at one point thorughout the day not at regular intervals, leaving you the entire day to do other things. For the purpose of the review I decided to use the Fancy Fillies Selection Service which is the authors of the system picking selected horses using the system rules to make picks every day of the week. They provide this service because using the system at different times of day will produce different picks (you will understand once you get the system) therefore they, through the selection service, provide you with the best picks available throughout the day. My two month review period of the selection service turned 40 lay bets of which 31 were successful. Resulting in, from a £600 starting bankroll, a £400 profit on the two months. With this in mind this system is going straight into the approved systems section. Click here to go to the Fancy Fillies System Page Click here to go to the Fancy Fillies Selection Service Review by Jack

Picks for today - August 5th

Hey guys,
Today's pick is from the Red Sox Vs the Rays.
The Red Sox have not been successful versus the Rays. Boston has lost seven of the last 10 meetings against Tampa Bay, five of the last six at Tropicana Field and dropped six of veteran right-hander Brad Penny last 8 road starts. Go with the Rays at home. Tampa Bay is 5-1 in rookie left-hander David Price last 6 home starts. Tampa Bay Rays on the Moneyline
Happy Bankroll,

Vestin Sports Final Review

Well this review is coming to an end and we are finishing with a magnificent total of $1094.67. Not a bad little total for just under a month of bets Overall I have to say Vestin Sports was one of the best picking services I have worked with and is definitely well worth the monthly fee If you want to read my initial review of Vestin Sports then click here. If you want to read my the 30 day review then click here. If you want to head on over and get involved with Vestin Sports then click here Starting Bankroll - $500 Finishing Bankroll - $1094.67 Profit ($) - $594.67 Profit (%) - 118.93% Nothing to be sniffed at a 118% over a span of 30days. That is why I am going to put Vestin Sports in the approved category!