Sunday 22 August 2010

Bookie Annihilation Review - Weekend Update

Phwoar that was an intense weekend, thanks well and truly to the bookie annihilation system I was trialling. In short even though I restricted myself to not betting on every racecourse I still was betting, on average 1 horse per race, which is very draining even for the most passionate of race goers. Obviousl some will find this acceptable if the system shows as much profits as is claimed on the site...however it doesn't. I cannot atest to its long run profitability as I only ran this test for 1 weekend but I can safely say it is not the miracle system the sales page claims it to be. Over the weekend that I was running the system I placed a huge number of bets and came out -0.5 points down, which is effectively breaking even in my book so after all the energy I used I broke even, not exactly turning the 'Bookies into my own private cash machine' as the site says. However I must give the system creators their due, even though their approach to marketing and sales smells distinctly like a scam there is actually some merit to their system and I am sure it could make steady profits (note: Steady not Millionaire profits) under the right guidance and a more narrowing of the parameters however I do not know about you but I sure don't have time to do all that with a system that promised me untold riches. Anyway to cut a long story short I cannot recommend you buy this system and recommend you keep on looking if you are looking for a system to trial.

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