Thursday 22 April 2010

April 22nd - Hotmail Sucks

So yesterday was another abysmal day and today looks like it is going to be even worse. I am signed up to over 30 services. Some of them are picking services some of them are just information services. I read all of these when I first get up and make my plays accordingly. However I get all of these sent to a special hotmail account to seperate them from any personal or website accounts I have. It appears though that hotmail are having some errors as since yesterday I have been told that my emails are under maintenance.
Anyway to cut a long story short I have not been able to make any plays today because of this so we will see how things go and  my picks should be back available on Sunday.
Have a good weekend.
Oh yeah before I forget; I am writing a guide on why all the casino systems that are available just don't work, so if you have bought any roulette, blackjack or other casino system recently let me know how it worked out for you so I can include it in this guide!

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